This is default featured post 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured post 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured post 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured post 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Xp Theme Final Fantasy

Final fantasy,Visual Styles downloads like Screensavers and Desktop Themes the contents of the file for copyright infringements.We assume that the authors have given full credit where required.However, sometimes an infringement can still occur.If this is the case, and you own the copyright and wishto have the file removed, please inform us, and wewill notify the author and remove the file.
Download Xp Theme Final Fantasy

2011 Calendar Windows 7 Theme

Calendar Windows 7 Theme is our calendar theme for the years of 2011. We are releasing this calendar theme as we have been doing for the last several months on the request of our visitors. However, it was a bit late in releasing the monthly Calendar Windows 7 Theme this time round due to some problems and so we would like to apologize for the same. We have released two Windows 7 Themes today itself and will be releasing several new themes in the upcoming days and weeks.

This Windows 7 Theme contains 10 calendar backgrounds for the years of  2011 and all the backgrounds are of 1920 x 1200 pixels resolutions. The backgrounds in this Windows 7 Theme are of very high quality and would fit very well into laptop and desktop screens of all sizes. Hope you like this theme and our upcoming themes too.

Download 2011 Calendar Windows 7 Theme

Snow Transformation Pack 1.5

It offers you the desktop look of Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I am sure that there are a lot of people that like how Mac OS X look and feel, but prefer to stick with Windows whether it be for gaming, or because you just don’t like Apple.And at last, it’s here. The most versatile transformation pack of Snow Leopard with cooperation from many talent artists in deviantart. Snow Transformation Pack will change the way you look at your Windows Vista/7 to be like Snow Leopard.

Snow Transformation Pack will set a new standard for what transformation pack should become. The program is redesigned on latest update from Seven Transformation Pack branch with easier and better in every aspect.

It will change the appearance of your whole system, including the login screen, icons, wallpapers, sounds, dock, dialog boxes, and other UI elements. You will need to disable User Account Control to install it, so you may have to run the installer twice—once to disable UAC and then again, after restarting to install the package. On installing, you will get a few choices as to whether you want to install a few extra background apps that add extra graphics, which is nice if your computer isn’t necessarily a powerhouse (so you can turn them off to keep performance up).

If you’re tired of the usual Windows GUI and want to get a Mac-like experience for a while, it’s a neat and easy tool to help you do so. Also, when you’ve decided you’re sick of the OS X look, you can uninstall it just like any other program through Control Panel > Uninstall a program.

This program version brings forth few improvements and fixes such as: Fixed reboot prompt to restore Windows Explorer shell if user choose not to; Fixed system files modification compatibilities with non-English edition OS; Fixed Desktop Theme Enhancements being checked even they aren’t checked; Changed Dock application from RK Launcher to RocketDock with older; Fixed x64 system files modification compatibilities.

Snow Transformation Pack is completely free, now you can download, install and use without any charge what so ever.

Download Snow Transformation Pack 1.5

Seven Transformation Pack 3.0

Windows X live has Released the latest Windows 7 Transformation Pack 3.0 For Windows Xp, Windows Vista And Server 2003 Windows 7 Transformation Pack 3.0 aka Seven Transformation Pack will transform your entire user interface, including a 7 themed Boot Screen, Welcome Screen, and Visual Style, as well as new icons, wallpapers, and more.

Download Seven Transformation Pack 3.0

Win 7 Halloween Theme

Looking forward to Halloween? This theme will get you started. It includes 2 halloween wallpapers, 4 halloween desktop icons and several halloween sounds.This Windows 7 theme is totally free, so feel free to share it with everyone who’s running Windows 7 and loves desktop themes. Let’s customize this theme a little bit ..

Customize your Halloween Theme
After downloading the Halloween Theme, you might want to customize it a little bit. Add some sounds here and some new icons there. Let’s look at the stuff that’s currently included in the theme:
Download Win 7 Halloween Theme


This time I wanted to share a desktop application to beautify your desktop display. name of the display is ClocX Full.1.5.2. application form at the desktop that can remind of time on your computer. please try if you are interested. Do not forget to comment here for the progress of this blog.

Download ClocX-Full.1.5.2

All About Resource Hacker in a Brief Tutorial

NOTE: This tutorial has been featured by Microsoft, Wikipedia and official Resource Hacker website. was the first website posting this tutorial.
Resource Hacker is a small but excellent tool to modify system files like DLL, EXE, CPL, etc. You can even change Windows look by editing various Windows files and replacing their resources using Resource Hacker.
You can download it using following links:

Download Link | Mirror | New 3.5.2 Beta Version
Its a portable application, so you don't need to install it. Simply extract the ZIP file and run the extracted EXE file.
This tutorial will help you in understanding this tool and will teach you how to use it. For your convenience, we have divided this tutorial in 2 parts:
Part 1 provides basic details like viewing or replacing existing resources in a file, etc. Part 2 covers some advance information for geeks, like adding new resources, using scripts, etc.

[Using Resource Hacker]
When you open a file in Resource Hacker, it shows various directories in left-side pane, like:
  • AVI - Contains AVI files
  • Cursor - Contains Cursor files
  • Bitmap - Contains BMP files
  • Icon - Contains Icons
  • Menu - Contains Menus
  • Dialog - Contains Dialog boxes
  • String Table - Contains Strings
  • Accelerators - Contains Shortcut keys
  • Version Info - Contains Version information of the file

[Viewing Resources]
You can view resource present in the file by expanding the directory given in left-side pane and clicking on the name of the resource. Each resource contains 3 important attributes:
  • Resource Type
  • Resource Name
  • Resource Language
[Changing Resources]
For Icons / Cursors / Bitmaps:
1. First select the resource ( e.g. Bitmap -> 131 -> 1033 ).
2. Now click on Action -> Replace Icon or Cursor or Bitmap....

3. It'll open a new window, click on Open file with new Icon or Cursor or Bitmap button.
4. Select the desired resource using OPEN dialog box, click on Open button and then click on Replace button.
For Other Resources like AVI:
1. Click on Action -> Replace Other Resource....
2. It'll open a new window, click on Open file with new resource button.
3. Select the file and click on Open button.
4. Now you'll need to provide following required information for the resource, which we mentioned earlier:
  • Resource Type
  • Resource Name
  • Resource Language

Resource Type: Mention type of the resource, e.g. if you are replacing AVI file, mention the type as AVI
Resource Name: Provide the same name of the existing resource which you want to replace
Resource Language: Provide language code for the resource, e.g. 1033 for English. You can check existing resource's language code.
5. At last click on Replace button.
[For Menus / Strings / Dialogs]
To change any String, Menu or Dialog box, Select the desired resource, e.g. String Table -> 4 -> 1033, make your changes and at last click on Compile Script button.

It'll immediately compile the script. If you made any mistake while modifying the resource, it'll generate error message so that you can fix it.

[Adding New Resources]
Adding New Bitmaps / Icons / Cursors / AVIs:
1. Click on Action -> Add a new Resource....
2. Now click on Open file with new resource button.

3. Select the desired resource and click on Open button.
4. Give Resource Type, Name and Language as mentioned earlier. But keep in mind that Resource Name should not match with any existing resources name.
5. At last click on Add Resource button.
Adding New Menus:
Go to desired menu, e.g. Menu -> 215 -> 1033. Now add a new line anywhere inside POPUP "" using following format:
  • "Custom_String" is the actual text which you want to show in menu.
  • 12345 is the identifier. It must be different from existing menuitems.
  • MFS_GRAYED disables the menuitem. You can change it to MFS_ENABLED if you want to show your menuitem enabled.
  • MFS_DEFAULT shows your menuitem in BOLD. You can omit it.
  • You can also add a new attribute in the code MFS_HILITE which automatically selects your menuitem.
In fact you can only add following new line in code:
MENUITEM "Custom_String", 12345
And Resource Hacker will automatically insert other remaining values as mentioned above.
[Inserting Newly Added Resources in Dialog Boxes]
Once you finish adding new Icons / Bitmaps / AVIs, you can insert them in any dialog box so that you can show in various Windows dialog boxes like RUN, Progress Dialog box, etc.
1. Go to the desired dialog box, e.g. Dialog -> 1020 -> 1033
2. Right-click in the dialog box and select Insert Control option.

3. It'll open a new window. You'll see many controls in the new window, like BITMAP, LABEL, ICON, BUTTON, SysAnimate32 (for AVIs), etc.
4. Click on any desired control, e.g. to insert a Bitmap, click on the BITMAP control or to insert an AVI, click on SysAnimate32 control.

PS: You can also insert Date/Time in dialog box using SysDateTimePick32 control.
5. Don't forget to fill the Caption entry. You need to enter the Resource Name in Caption textbox, e.g. if you have added a Bitmap and set its Resource Name as 401, then give the same 401 in Caption textbox.

PS: For AVI Control ( SysAnimate32 ), you'll need to append # in Caption value, e.g if the AVI name is 144, then put #144 in Caption textbox.
6. At last click on OK button & then Compile the script.
7. If you want to change the position of the new control in dialog box, simply click on the control and drag it to your desired location or you can also use arrow keys to move it.
Using Scripts in Resource Hacker
We can also run Resource Hacker using Command Prompt and can use scripts to automate lots of repeatative tasks to save our time.
You can use scripts in 2 ways:
  • Single Command
  • Multiple Commands
[Single Command]
You can use following commands in Command Prompt to perform actions using Resource Hacker:
-add ExeFileName, ResultingFileName, ResourceAddress, ResourceType, ResourceName,
-addskip ExeFileName, ResultingFileName, ResourceAddress, ResourceType, ResourceName,
-addoverwrite ExeFileName, ResultingFileName, ResourceAddress, ResourceType, ResourceName,
-modify ExeFileName, ResultingFileName, ResourceAddress, ResourceType, ResourceName,
-extract ExeFileName, ResourceAddress, ResourceType, ResourceName,
-delete ExeFileName, ResultingFileName, ResourceType, ResourceName,
  • ExeFileName - Source file name
  • ResultingFileName - Output file name
  • ResourceAddress - Resource location (e.g. Bitmap path stored in your hard disk)
  • ResourceType - Resource type (e.g. Bitmap, AVI, etc.)
  • ResourceName - Resource name (e.g. 131, 1020, etc.)
ResHacker.exe -addoverwrite explorer.exe, explorer1.exe, MyImage.bmp , bitmap, 143,
[Multiple Commands]
You can also run a series of commands using script. First you'll need to create the script file using Notepad and then you can run it using following command:
ResHacker.exe -script ScriptFileName
Where, ScriptFileName is the name of the script file which you created in Notepad.
Following is the required format of the script file:
-addoverwrite ResourceAddress, ResourceType, ResourceName
EXE= contains source file name
SaveAs= contains output file name
Log= contains LOG file name which will store a detailed log of the operation
[COMMANDS] section contains the command-set which we want to perform on the source file.
PS: You can omit the LOG= entry in script file. In this case, Resource Hacker will automatically create a LOG file with the name "ResHacker.log".
NOTE: If you are facing problems while saving a file after editing in resource hacker, then make sure you have disabled WFP (Windows File Protection) service using "WFP Patcher" or use "Replacer" to replace the file. Both utilities can be found in our "Download" section.
Also if you are getting error "Can't create file...", that means you have edited and saved the same file in past and there is a backup file which needs to be deleted before saving this file again. Go to the folder containing this file and you'll see a similar file having "_original" in its name. Delete it and try to save the file in resource hacker.
That's all for now. If you have any query, please feel free to ask us.

Sharp World Clock 4.6 free

Try this for  free.You can set up any number of clocks in a line or grid interface. You decide, how many columns and rows the clock grid will have...

-The clock faces can have different colors, design and fonts; choose from a variety of adjustable presets or define your own style!

-Choose analogue or digital display (or a combination of both). Clocks can display country flags and can be resized from tiny to full screen

-It is not just a world clock, but multiple programs in one: a powerful tool collection related to time, geography and information management.

Download Sharp World Clock 4.6
Get password in file s4ndmotion

Vienna Transformation Pack

Windows Vienna transformation pack download, With the Topic of Windows Vienna Growing Hot and more news coming every day,here we share with you about 4 windows seven Transformation packs which will make your Windows XP look like Windows 7 , the awaited Operating System by Microsoft.

Windows Vienna Transformation Pack will change the wallpaper, icons, bootscreen, SheelStyle ,Sounds, Login, Cursors and much more to the predicted parts of Windows 7 ( Windows Vienna) .It also includes some applications which will make your desktop look like XP.

Download Vienna Transformation Pack

Mac OS X Transformation Pack 3.5

FlyakiteOSX is a transformation pack. It will transform the look of an ordinary Windows XP+ system to resemble the look of Mac OS X.The installer simply automates the process of replacing critical system files, setting registry tweaks, and installing extras such as cursors, sounds, visual styles, etc.In case you are not happy with the results of FlyakiteOSX, everything is completely removable. Just run the uninstaller from the Start Menu or from Add/Remove Programs.

FlyakiteOSX does not contain any spyware or ad-ware of any kind. All files needed for FlyakiteOSX are stored in the Windows directory in a folder named ‘FlyakiteOSX’ that is hidden by default.

Download Mac OS X Transformation Pack 3.5
Get password in file s4ndmotion

How to hide a Windows 7 Drive?

How to hide a Windows 7 Drive?Do you have a need to hide or remove one or more computer drives in Windows 7? Here we explain a simple method to hide a drive in windows, that does not require you to modify the registry or dabble with the DOS editor.
There may be several reasons why you might find a need to hide a computer drive in Windows OS. For example, you might have some important documents or media files saved in a particular drive and you wouldn’t want anyone else, using your computer, to discover or tamper them. It could also be that you don’t want others to easily find and use the CD or DVD drive or any other drive on your computer, when you are away. Whatever may be your reason, here is how you can easily hide or unhide a computer drive whenever you want.

How to hide a drive in Windows 7 or Vista?

The following are the steps to hide a drive in windows 7.
  • Click the “Start” ORB, type “disk management” in the text box labeled “Search programs and files…” and select “Create and format hard disk partitions“.
open disk management utility in windows 7.
  • In the window titled “Disk Management”, right-click on the computer drive that you want to hide and select “Change Drive Letter and Paths…”. For this tutorial, I chose to hide the computer’s recovery partition.
Change drive letter or paths in Windows.
  • In the window titled “Change Drive Letter and Paths for…”, click the button labeled “Remove” and you will be shown a warning message stating applications relying on that drive letter may not work properly. You may choose to continue by clicking “Yes”, if this drive is used for storing files and not for running any applications.
Remove the computer drive letter in windows.
That is it. The computer drive will no longer be visible in your windows explorer or “Computer”.
Hide a computer drive in Windows.

Assign a Drive letter to the Partition in Windows

To unhide the computer drive, assign a drive letter to the partition (volume), by following these steps.
  • Open the disk management utility in Windows, as explained above, select the partition to which you want to assign a drive letter, right-click and choose “Change Drive Letter and Paths…”.
  • Click the “Add” button and in the window title “Add Drive Letter or Path”, assign a drive letter and click “OK”.
Assign drive letter to a partition in windows 7.
You can now use the computer drive in the usual way.
Unhide computer drive in windows.

How to Add / Remove Entries in Context Menus in Windows

In this tutorial, I'll tell you how to add your own customized entries in context menus and how to remove unwanted entries from context menu: A. Type regedit in RUN dialog box and press Enter. Now go to:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\* (for adding an option in All files context menu)
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory (for adding an option in folders context menu only)
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive (for adding an option in Drives context menu only)
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Unknown (for adding an option in unknown files context menu)
B. Now under the above mentioned keys, u'll find "Shell" and "Shellex" keys. Both keys contain various entries, which are displayed when you right-click on a file, folder or drive. We'll use "Shell" key in this tutorial:
1. Right-click on the "Shell" key and select "New -> Key".
2. Give it any name. suppose we gave it name "vishal".
3. Now in right-side pane, double-click on "Default" String value and set its value to the Label which you want to display in context menu. Like if you want to add "Winamp" in context menu, then you can give it name "Open with Winamp" or similar.
4. Now create another key under this newly created key "vishal" with the name "command" and in right-side pane set value of "Default" to the path of application. For ex, for winamp you can set its value "%programfiles%\Winamp\winamp.exe".
That's it. Now you'll get in the context menu.

A few Important points:
1. If you add just the path in "Command", then it'll open the application but if you append "%1" (without quotes) in the path, then it'll open the selected file with the application. So in case of setting the value to "%programfiles%\Winamp\winamp.exe", set it "%programfiles%\Winamp\winamp.exe %1" and now it'll open the file in winamp.
2. Step 3 can be omitted and you can assign the application name directly to the new key. i.e., either set "Default" String value to the name of application or directly set the key name to application name. e.g. instead of setting the key name to "vishal", you can directly set its name to "Winamp", in this case leave the "Default" as it is.
3. With the help of this tut, you can add application shortcuts in any filetype context menu. e.g., if you like to play with "*.txt" file context menu, then go to:
so you can follow this tutorial for any filetype.
C. Same methods applies for removing entries from context menu. Just goto "Shell" or "Shellex\ContextMenuHandlers" and delete the unwanted key under these keys.

How to Get Extra FREE Space in Windows?

Most of us face lower disk space problem in Windows. Many times Windows notifies us about the lower disk space and we are forced to delete some useless files or to resize the partition to get some free space. We are posting this tutorial to share some simple methods to get as mush FREE space as we can. Following are some ways to get free space in Windows:
1. First thing is to use windows built-in "Disk Cleanup" application. You can right-click on a drive in My Computer and select "Properties" now click on "Disk Cleanup" button. Now select all given options, like "Downloaded Program Files", "Temporary Internet Files", "Compress old files", etc. Sometimes you can get more than 1GB FREE space after using Disk Cleanup.
Alternatively you can run "Disk Cleanup" directly from RUN dialog box by giving "cleanmgr.exe" command.
2. Now open Windows Search and copy paste following code in Search box and perform a search:

You should check all files before deleting. You'll get 100's of files after searching, simply select all and press and delete them.

PS: Please check the files before deletion! It'll delete all Readme files, Backup files, Log files, etc. So deselect the files first, which you don't want to delete.
3. You can also disable WFP (Windows File Protection) service in Windows XP using WFP Switcher. This service runs in background and checks for system files status, and whenever it finds a system file has been changed/modified, it replaces the file with the original file stored in "DLLcache" folder. So we can disable this service and can get lots of FREE space.
After disabling the service, open "%windir%\System32\DLLCache" folder (it'll be HIDDEN & System Folder, so copy paste the path in address bar and press <ENTER>). Now you can safely delete all files present in this folder. It'll make aprrox. 1GB FREE space.
4. Open "System Properties" by right-click on "My Computer" icon on Desktop and select "Properties", now go to "System Restore" tab and select "Turn Off System Restore on all drives" option and apply it. Don’t use this trick if you use System Restore.
5. You can also delete several BMP files present in %windir% (Windows) folder, which are used as wallpapers in Desktop Properties. You can also delete all files in %windir%\Web\Wallpaper folder, all files in this folder are also used as wallpapers.
6. You can also empty TEMP (just type "TEMP" and "%TEMP%" one by one in RUN dialog box), Prefetch (in %windir% folder) folders to get free space.
7. Disable Hibernation from "Power Settings" (powercfg.cpl), if you don't use this feature.
8. Empty Temporary Internet files of your web browser to get some free space.
9. You can also delete all video files present in %windir%\system32\oobe\images folder, these files are used when windows runs for the first time after installation.
10. You can also delete all updates Uninstall Folders, which can be found in %windir% folder and all these folders' names will start from $NtUninstall (or something like that. Also all folders would be HIDDEN). But keep in mind that after deleting these folders you'll not be able to uninstall any windows update!
You can apply all above mention methods to get lots of FREE space without any problem.
You can also use 3rd party Utilities, like Tuneup Utility, System Mechanic, etc to FREE some space but these utilities also use most of the above mentioned techniques.

[AIO] Ultimate Tutorial to Customize Desktop Context Menu in Windows Vista, 7 and 8

UPDATE: This tutorial will also work in Windows 8.
As you all know is always the first website which shares interesting tweaks and customization related stuffs. We have posted so many tutorials in past which help you in customizing Desktop context menu in Windows Vista and 7. Many of them allow you to add new items to Desktop context menu and some of them allow you to remove existing items which you find unnecessary.
We are proud to say that we were the first to post about adding your favorite program shortcut in Desktop context menu, adding cascading menus in Desktop context menu, adding restart Explorer option and many other exclusive tutorials.
Today in this article, we are going to list all such tutorials in a single place for your convenience. It'll help you in reading all these tutorials quickly and easily and will also make sure that you have not missed any of them.
So without wasting any time lets make an ultimate list of all these tutorials:
Add Program Shortcuts in Desktop Context Menu:
Following tutorials allow you to add your desired program's shortcut in Desktop context menu. You can add your favorite browser shortcut, media player shortcut or any other shortcut to access it quickly and easily:
Add Favorite Website Link in Desktop Context Menu:
This tutorial helps you in adding your favorite website links in Desktop context menu. You can add or any other website link to open it directly in your favorite web browser:
Add or Other Website Links in Desktop Context Menu in Windows Vista, Server 2008 and 7
Add Your Name in Desktop Context Menu:
Customization lovers can also add their name or any other desired text in Desktop context menu for fun:
How to Add Your Name in Windows 7 Desktop Context Menu
Add Cascading Menus in Desktop Context Menu:
You can also add groups of shortcuts in Desktop context menu. For example, you can add a folder "Browsers" which will contain all web browsers shortcuts installed in your system. Having a group of shortcuts saves space and doesn't make your context menu look weird.
Customizing "Screen Resolution", "Gadgets" and "Personalize" Options in Desktop Context Menu:
This tutorial allows you to customize the default 3 options "Screen Resolution", "Gadgets" and "Personalize" present in Windows 7 Desktop context menu. You can change their text, icons and positions in context menu. You can even remove them according to your requirements:
Display_at_top_personalize_at_botto.png Change_icons_of_options.png Change_Names_of_Desktop_context_men.png
Customizing “Screen Resolution”, “Gadgets” and “Personalize” Options in Windows 7 Desktop Context Menu
Remove "Next Desktop Background"Option from Desktop Context Menu:
When you use Desktop SlideShow feature in Windows 7, it automatically adds a new option "Next Desktop Background" in Desktop context menu which makes the whole context menu a bit wide. If you don't like this new option, you can remove it using following tutorial:
How to Remove “Next Desktop Background” Option from Windows 7 Desktop Context Menu?
Add "Show/Hide Hidden Files" Option in Desktop Context Menu:
This tutorial allows you to add "Show/Hide Hidden Files" option in Desktop context menu so that you can enable or disable "Show Hidden Files" option in Folder Options quickly and easily by just right-click on Desktop and select the option:
Add “Show / Hide Hidden Files” Option in Desktop and Explorer Context Menu in Windows XP, Vista and 7
Add "Show/Hide File Extensions" Option in Desktop Context Menu:
This tutorial allows you to add "Show/Hide File Extensions" option in Desktop context menu so that you can enable or disable "Show Known File Extensions" option in Folder Options quickly and easily by just right-click on Desktop and select the option:

Add “Show / Hide File Extensions” Option in Desktop and Explorer Context Menu in Windows XP, Vista, 7
Add "Show/Hide Checkbox" Option in Desktop Context Menu:
This tutorial allows you to add "Show/Hide Checkbox" option in Desktop context menu so that you can enable or disable "Show Checkbox to Select Items" option in Folder Options quickly and easily by just right-click on Desktop and select the option:

Add “Show / Hide Checkbox” Option in Desktop and Explorer Context Menu in Windows Vista and 7
Add "Kill Not Responding Tasks"Option in Desktop Context Menu:
It'll add a new option "Kill Not Responding Tasks" in Desktop context menu which allows you to immediately kill or end tasks which are not responding:

How to Add “Kill Not Responding Tasks” in Desktop Context Menu Under Windows Vista and 7
Add "Restart Explorer" Option in Desktop Context Menu:
Many times we need to restart Explorer to complete a software installation or some other reasons. This tutorial helps you in adding a new option "Restart Explorer" which restarts Explorer immediately as soon as you select the option:

Add “Restart Explorer” Option in Desktop and Explorer Context Menu under Windows Vista and 7
Add "Restart uxsms" Option in Desktop Context Menu:
Many times we need to restart uxsms service to fix Windows Aero related problems. This tutorials adds a new option "Restart uxsms" in Desktop context menu which restarts uxsms service automatically:

Add “Restart uxsms” Option in Desktop and Explorer Context Menu under Windows Vista and 7
Add "Network Connections" Option in Desktop Context Menu:
This tutorial helps you in adding "Network Connections" shortcut in Desktop context menu:
How to Add “Network Connections” Shortcut in Desktop Context Menu Under Windows Vista and 7
Add "God Mode"Option in Desktop Context Menu:
"God Mode" is a secret Windows component which shows all Control Panel items in a single place. This tutorial adds a shortcut to God Mode in Desktop context menu:
How to Add Windows 7 “God Mode” Shortcut in Desktop Context Menu?
Add Change Sound, Task manager and Other Shortcuts in Desktop Context Menu:
This tutorial helps you in adding many useful system shortcuts in Desktop context menu:
Add “Change Sound”, “Change Cursor” and Other Shortcuts in Windows Vista and 7 Desktop Context Menu
Add Change Wallpaper, Change Theme and Other Shortcuts in Desktop Context Menu:
This tutorial adds various useful shortcuts related to Desktop customization in Desktop context menu:
Add “Change Wallpaper”, “Change Theme” and Other Shortcuts in Windows Vista, 7 Desktop Context Menu
Add "Aero On / Off"Shortcut in Desktop Context Menu:
This tutorial allows you to add a shortcut to quickly turn Windows Aero on or off in Desktop context menu:

Add Aero ON / OFF Shortcuts in Desktop and My Computer Context Menu Under Windows Vista and 7
Remove Display Driver Entry from Desktop Context Menu:
When we install display driver like nVidia, Intel, etc, it adds a new entry for it in Desktop context menu. This tutorial helps you in removing that extra entry from Desktop context menu:
How to Remove nVidia and Other Display Driver Entries from Desktop Context Menu in Windows XP, Vista, 7
Customize "New"Item in Desktop Context Menu:
Following tutorials help you in customizing "New" item present in Desktop context menu:
Free Software to Add Program Shortcuts in Desktop Context Menu:
Also check following 2 free utilities created by AskVG readers which allow you to add your favorite program shortcuts in Desktop context menu automatically:
That's all for now. We'll keep updating the list whenever we post a new tutorial to customize Desktop context menu. So stay tuned and keep visiting AskVG...


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